Honeyrose Organic Gluten Free Baking

December 03, 2012

Honeyrose Gluten Free Carrot Cake & Brownie
From this blog, some might know I do love my baked goods. Especially since I can't have them that often. I came across this one brand — Honeyrose. They bake everything cakes from cookies, muffins and even biscotti. I had a try of their carrot cake and brownie.

One night, I warmed up the brownie and put a bit of ice cream on it. I brought it to our room and gave my husband I try. He said to me "Are you sure this is gluten free?! Tastes so good." I ensured him it was, otherwise I wouldn't be eating it :) Was so so tasty. Also, wasn't so over powering with chocolate, just the right amount.

The carrot cake also hit the spot. I cut off a slice and warmed it up a bit. Very tasty, moist and not too crumble. No after taste either which is also a plus for my taste buds.

I've seen Honeyrose products at Sainsbury. Hope to try more in the near future for my next sweet cravings.

Domino's Gluten Free Pizza

November 26, 2012

Domino's Gluten Free Veg-A-Roma

Dominos started their gluten free range on Nov. 19 in the U.K. I was so excited! With Pizza Hut doing gluten free in their restaurants and Dominos delivering, this pizza loving coeliac was very happy!

 I had read so many reviews on blogs and twitter and most of them were very positive. So the anticipation to try was very high. So few nights ago, finally tried it. This is probably one of the best pizza bases I've tasted! It was pretty thick compared to other pizza bases you get in store. The crust was delicious, it was an actual crust! So was great. They only do the gluten free pizzas in small, but its pretty easy to finish. No after taste, no nothing.

Dominos also charges the same as its normal pizzas, so its great not to have to pay extra just because it was gluten free. If you have yet to try it, order for dinner tonight :-)

Sweet Connection - Gluten Free Bakery in Dubai

November 25, 2012

Before my husband and I embarked on our trip to Delhi & Dubai, we did a lot of research on where to find gluten free food for me.

Well, we did some good research because we found a complete gluten free bakery in Dubai called Sweet Connection. We had thought it was a proper bakery/cafe where you can pick things up. So my husband and I caught a taxi and made our way there. When we go there, we were told we had to put a order in before hand if we wanted something specific. However, the head baker, was very sweet and she said she had some things she had baked fresh and we could take it. We bought a loaf of gluten free banana bread with chocolate chips and two donuts. We had the bread ever morning for breakfast. It was truly amazing. I used to bake fresh banana bread before I was diagnosed and when I tell your this gluten free bread tasted just like it... it was amazing! You'd never, ever think it was gluten free. No after taste, great texture, not crumbly. It was so so great. Even donuts were delicious. If we were there for longer, I would have loved to try some more.

From speaking to the staff, Sweet Connection is a fairly new establishment.  The kitchen is so clean, and the amount of various flours on the shelves is truly amazing. I'm sure once people get a word of it it will become even more popular. If you are visiting Dubai, I highly recommend calling ahead of time and placing an order. I believe they even deliver, so that is great as well!

Costa Coffee Gingerbread Lattes Are Gluten Free

November 21, 2012

I had recently went to a Costa Coffee and asked the barista if their gingerbread lattes were gluten free... however, they weren't too sure. So i decided to email customer service and find out for sure. Email response is below. It is gluten free, but not sure of cross contamination. Drink at your own risk!

Thank you for your email

I can confirm that the gingerbread latte should not have any gluten in, however there may be a risk of cross contamination,

Kindest regards

Gluten Free in Dubai

November 21, 2012

Gluten Free section in Mall of Emirates' Carrefour
We recently had an amazing trip to Dubai. Gorgeous city with beautiful weather. And being gluten free wasn't that difficult either.

Dubai is the western world in the east. What do I mean? Well, when its comes to restaurants and brands, Dubai has it all. From American frozen food to British chocolate. The supermarkets are seriously to die for. They have everything! And me being American, I was so happy to see so many U.S. brands. Kind of felt like I was home. At the Mall of Emirates mega big Carrefour they even had this amazing gluten free section. With everything from biscuits to pastas I haven't been able to find in the U.K. The selection was the most impressive I've seen outside the U.S. And U.K.

Mrs. Crimbles at LuLu Hypermarket
Another big brand in the Dubai supermarkets was Mrs. Crimbles. They had all the cakes, brownies, etc. Livwell also had a big section of bread, ciabatta rolls, bagels. Everything I can find here in the U.K. Pretty impressive I must say.

Livwell at LuLu Hypermarkets

 The Mall of Emirates and Mall of Dubai are filled with American and British chains. Actually, any big global chain, you could probably find there. For example, P.F. Changs is on my favourite restaurants. When I went there and asked them about gluten free choices, they let me know which ones they could whip up for me. It was great to go into a restaurant in a foreign country and they actually know what gluten free is… Carluccios in Dubai even had the same gluten free menu you find in the U.K. Eating at big chains was easy. It felt so great to be on a trip that I could actually enjoy dining out! However, few small restaurants we went to that weren't chains, didn't really understand what gluten free is even with my card.

For a coeliac, Dubai is one amazing place to go! Top of my list. If you want any other recommendations, please do email me.

Pizza Hut's Gluten Free Pizza Review

October 22, 2012

Pizza Hut in the U.K. started to serve customers gluten free pizzas as of October 8, 2012. When I heard they were doing this, I was so, so, excited! Not many restaurants in the U.K. cater to people that are gluten free, so to add Pizza Hut to the list was quite the treat! To be honest, I think my husband (who is a pizza lover) was more excited then me. Because of me, he hasn't really gone for the last two years!

I went a week later to our local Pizza Hut and finally tried the gluten free pizza. It comes in a square shape and you can have any toppings you want and they are gluten free. I had ordered the spicy veggie sizzler. Was very nice. When I think of Pizza Hut I expect the base to be quite thick, but the gluten free option is quite thin so I was a bit sad. However, it was still a very tasty base that does not leave that gluten free after taste. It was delicious! But one thing it does lack is more sauce and cheese. Not as much sauce and cheese made it quite dry, so if you do go, ask for more sauce and cheese.

The menu was also very impressive. They have a NCGI (No containing gluten ingredients) next to other things you can have on the menu. Like the nachos, salad, etc. And at the bottom of every page they tell you what does have gluten. So for example, on the salad bar, bacon bites contain gluten and they make a note of that.

I had asked the waitress if many people order the gluten free base. She said on the day we went, she had two previous orders. Not bad, but I do hope it picks up so they don't get rid of the option!

One downside is, you must go to a restaurant to get the gluten free option. Pizza Hut does not deliver the gluten free option.

Every time I eat out, I always fear that I will get sick. But luckily, I was ok the next day.

A Vaccine For Coeliac Disease

October 16, 2012

There may be hope for coeliacs according to this Daily Mail article on how a vaccine for coeliacs is in the works.

It's "A vaccine that stops the body reacting to one of the main ingredients in bread could allow thousands of coeliac sufferers to eat a normal diet."

Vaccine trials have started in the U.S., Australia and New Zealand, involving more than 100 patients.

Take a read of the article.

Beecher's Gluten Free Macaroni & Cheese

October 15, 2012

As you know I visited Seattle in August to see my little brother, so this post is a bit overdue.

While walking through Pike Place Market, my favorite place in Seattle, my mom and I noticed a big line outside this shop, so we decided to go in. Once inside, realized it was a cheese shop called Beecher's. Anyone that knows me, knows I loveeee cheesies (as I say :-) )

It was great to see how the cheese was made freshly there was. Quite the process and smelled so cheesy, literally.

The whole trip I kept going on about Mac & Cheese. As we left the shop I spotted "GLUTEN FREE Mac & Cheese" in the freezer. I was so excited, showed my mom. She is like come on lets buy it, since you've been going on and on. It was very expensive, about $14. I thought to myself I can buy a meal in a restaurant for that price. I had it that night. The pasta was good, but the cheese was so so rich. If you don't love rich cheesey flavors, then this isn't for you.

U.K. Pizza Hut Announces Gluten Free Pizza

October 03, 2012

At first it was a rumor... that Pizza Hut in the U.K. would begin serving gluten free pizzas on October 8, 2012. I had tweeted the rumor to a coeliac friend of mine.

Later that night, she begin to tweet me back and said saw on the Pizza Hut U.K. Facebook page that the news was true! We were both so excited that words cannot express it!!!

Planning on gluten free pizza for dinner on Oct. 8. Review will come shortly.

Gluten Free in Seattle, Washington -- Cinnamon Works

September 04, 2012

I recently went to go visit my baby brother in Seattle, Washington where he is currently interning! Such a great city. And of course when I visit new places I try to check out gluten free spots for my fellow coeliacs. ;-)

Pike Place market has got to be my favorite touristy spot in Seattle. Such an unreal market, right by the water. They have everything from the most amazing fruit, to dried fruit, spicy/sweet jams, clothes, jewelry, fresh fish! You name it, Pike Place has it. They also have the first ever Starbucks.

So while walking around I came across a stall called Cinnamon Works. I saw a written gluten-free sign and instantly migrated my way towards it. There were so many freshly baked cookies, muffins and brownies! I bought one of them and it was the best cookie I've ever had. My  mom and brother also tried and they said they couldn't even tell it was gluten free! I got one on the first day of my trip and made my way there as well on the last day of my Seattle trip :-)

 They are to die for. They are a bit on the pricey side, $4.95 a pop, but they are so worth it! If you are in Seattle, this is a must-stop gluten free spot.
Pike Place Market = Delicious fruit. "Oh My God" peaches are the best!

Lady Gaga Goes Gluten Free

August 21, 2012

Sometimes I wonder why celebrities go gluten free. I notice that gluten free foods have more calories then normal foods. The latest celebrity to get on the gluten free band wagon is Lady Gaga. She wants to try and lose 10 pounds, not that she needs to!

What are your thoughts? Do you think being gluten free helps you lose weight? I've been the same since I started… so don't think it helps to lose weight.

Vital Ingredient - Healthy Gluten Free Lunch

August 20, 2012

I try not to eat out too often as I'm always scared of feeling sick. But every once in awhile I just want to feel normal and go out to grab some lunch with friends at work. Since I can't eat at most places, I don't usually go. I just tend to be a burden to them since I can't eat at most places.

One day a dear friend of mine introduced me to Vital Ingredient. I already had a lunch so I just went to give her some company. As I walked in the the menu was plastered with GF, WF, DF and I was quite impressed. I told myself I had to come back one day…

And that one day is today! I finally made my way back there to actually get lunch. I asked the manager what salad dressings were gluten free and he said one minute and walked away. Few minutes later he came out with a binder and showed me that all the salad dressings were gluten free. It was so nice to see this binder! As most times, employees just say it is gluten free without checking or even knowing what gluten is. I looked through the binder and a majority of soup options are also gluten free.

Vital Ingredient staff were very helpful and I had a very delicious lunch. If you walk by this place in London, I highly recommend coeliacs to sit down and enjoy some food!

Starbucks GF Hazelnut & Chocolate Slice

June 12, 2012

Starbucks Gluten Free Hazelnut and Chocolate Slice
I have searched high and low for the Starbucks Gluten Free Hazelnut and Chocolate slice. And guess what?! I found it at a store on my birthday! How perfect. So I grabbed it for breakfast. I never eat cakes and things like that, but hey it was my birthday I'm allowed too.

I've had Starbucks gluten free brownies before, and this chocolate loaf was basically the delicious brownie with hazelnuts on top. It tasted nice and rich and hazelnut gave it a different taste as well. However, since I had this loaf for breakfast, pretty early in the morning, I was on chocolate overdose. I think this would be the ideal snack for tea time, but way to heavy and sweet for breakfast.

If you're lucky and manage to find this, definitely a nice sweet treat. Personally, too sweet for me. Won't be having it for awhile now.

Fria Gluten Free Cinnamon Rolls

June 08, 2012

One of the best stands at this year's Allergy and Free From show was Fria.  Fria is the Scandinavian market leader in gluten-free bakery products.

And boy are there products delicious!!! My favorite product from all the sampling I did from the whole show was there cinnamon rolls!!!! I've never had a gluten free cinnamon roll and man I've MISSED them. My London family always brings Cinnabon cinnamon rolls from the U.S. And my mouth always waters. But I was just so excited to find GF cinnamon rolls. I was told by someone at the Fria counter that Sweden uses cinnamon for a a lot of their foods, so having a cinnamon roll in their gluten free product line was a given and something Swedish gluten free folks couldn't live without.

They also had many other delicious products. Like their bread, rolls and this really nice Swedish style chocolate brownie cake called Kladdkaka. The bread and cake tasted like normal. My husband who isn't gluten free didn't even think they tasted gluten free!

Fria is trying to break into the U.K. Market and have their products available in stores. So write to your local grocery markets and demand Fria products, I know I've already asked!

Amy's Kitchen - Gluten Free Mac & Cheese

May 21, 2012

Amy's Gluten Free Mac & Cheese

Mac and cheese has got to be one of my favorite meals growing up. When I was diagnosed, I couldn't find ready made packages or anything here in the U.K. Some serious Mac&Cheese withdrawal. 

But luckily, Amy's Gluten Free Kitchen came to the rescue. They really and truly have some amazing ready made meals. My favorites are there mac and cheese and gluten free bean and cheese burrito. The Mac and Cheese taste so normal! It is also creamy, but the calories aren't high. It's low in sodium and not too much fat either which makes it a perfect and quick lunch while you're at work. 

Amy's Kitchen stand at Free From Show in U.K. 
The Amy's range in the U.S is very large and when speaking to Amy's Kitchen representatives at the Free From allergy show, they ensured me more of their range will be making it to U.K. Shelves soon. Very exciting!

If you haven't tried the Mac&Cheese go get it now! In the U.K. I've found it in Asda, Whole Foods and Sainsburys. Any other locations, please do let me know! 

Chipotle is Gluten Free Heaven

May 17, 2012

Chipotle Burrito Bowl with all the works!

When I go to visit my family in the U.S., I actually feel normal. I don't feel like I have coeliac disease because I can go to so many restaurants and order food just like a normal person. It is a wonderful feeling and I really and truly enjoy eating out when I visit home (and boy do I become a fatty).  I wish the U.K. were more coeliac friendly. 

One stop I always make at least once when I'm home is Chipotle. Everything on the menu is almost gluten free. Check out their link here, which states which of their products are gluten free. 

EVERYTHING is gluten free except there tortillas and eggs. My last visit to the states I went to Boston and Orlando. I asked staff members at both locations and they all knew what coeliac and gluten free was. The worst is when a staff member has no idea... then you know you're in trouble.

I always eat there when I visit home and don't feel sick. If you haven't been to Chipotle, I highly recommend it.

How can you not look at the picture --> and get a watery mouth. 

Domino's Gluten Free Pizza -- Not Suitable for Coeliacs

May 09, 2012

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Domino's launched a gluten free pizza crust… woohoo! BUT there's a catch — they don't recommend coeliacs to have it. That line brought my excitement level to nothing. Well why is it that the case? Here is an excerpt from Domino's press release

While Domino's new Gluten Free Crust is appropriate for those with mild gluten sensitivity, Domino's and the NFCA do not recommend it for those with celiac disease. Domino's and the NFCA found that while the crust is certified as gluten free, current store operations at Domino's cannot guarantee that each handcrafted pizza will be completely free from gluten.

Basically, the crust is gluten free but the environment it's made in is not gluten free. Let's hope in the near future Domino's make a gluten free kitchen. With the numbers of coeliacs rising and some just choosing to be gluten free because of gluten sensitivity it would be one booming business. Check out this ABC News Video below to get the facts on Domino's gluten free pizza and the rising number of gluten free products.

Marks & Spencers Gluten Free Breaded Cod Fillets

May 03, 2012

I've looked high and low for these M&S gluten free breaded cod fillets! I looked in three stores and no luck. A work colleague had told me he found them and actually bought them for himself for dinner! I got so excited and told him I haven't been able to find it at my local M&S. So I came into work the next morning and they were at my desk.

I was so thrilled that I had it for dinner that night. They were delicious. I had baked them in the oven and you could never tell it was gluten free. The breadcrumbs went crumbly and once baked they actually became crispy and not soggy. It was so exciting to see M&S come out with this. They also have Chicken and Mushroom bakes, which I haven't been able to find. Since M&S are doing fresh bread crumb products, I also hope they start doing chicken kievs, if anyone has seen gluten free chicken kievs, please do let me know where! I tried making them with this Tesco Gluten Free Chicken Kiev recipe, but it turned out to be a disaster!

Any spottings of breaded dinner items, please comment and let me know where!

Gluten Free Croutons-Juvela Crostini Bites

April 18, 2012

Tomato soup and Juvela Crostini Bites
Before I was a coeliac, one of my favorite lunches used to be soup with some croutons. The lunch was healthy and filling. After I was diagnosed, I still craved soup and croutons. I could take GF bread to substitute the croutons, but I'm not a fan of GF bread unless it's toasted. So I went bananas looking for a croutons equivalent in the U.K. I didn't have much luck. Whole Foods' Market in the Boston had amazing croutons, but how much of that can my mom send me every year? Postage does get quite expensive.

When Juvela sends out its news letter every month, they tend to give away products from time to time. Well, one newsletter, they gave away their new product, Juvela Crostini Bites. I was quite excited to see this, but wasn't going to get too excited until I actually tried it. Few days later, I received it in the mail. With soups and salads these crostinis were pure bliss! It was exactly what I was looking for. I use crostinis in my soup, salads and even break them up into a crunchy breadcrumb.

I don't usually order gluten free products online, but these crostinis are one exception. It's only £2.39 for a pack and at times Juvela does offer free shipping.  If you haven't tried them yet, you're missing out!

Mrs Crimble's Oven Baked Corn and Potato Bites -- Coming Soon!

April 16, 2012

I recently received an email from Mrs. Crimble's to taste test some of their new products. Within minutes of the email, I responded and sent in my details. Who does love free samples of things?!

A week or so later, I received a delicious box of corn and potato bites. The flavors ranged from  from sweet chili, cheese and onion, lightly salted and salt vinegar. They were absolutely delicious! They tasted very light and felt a lot healthier than eating normal fried or baked potato chips. If I had to pick a favorite flavor, I don’t think I could. Each had its own unique taste.

I really look forward to these hitting the grocery store shelves. Not sure when they will, but I'll be waiting. And you may wonder where the photo to the right comes from? Well, Mrs. Crimble's also sent some promotional leaflets, so until the real thing is out, the cutouts will have to do!

Warburton's Gluten Free Blueberry & Cranberry Muffins

April 12, 2012

This is by far my favorite Warburton's Gluten Free item — blueberry and cranberry muffins (you can tell from the photo since there is only one left in a crumbly packing :-) )

In my 1.5 years of being a coeliac, these are the best muffins I've had. They are so fresh and don't leave a powdery after taste. I usually cut in half, spread some butter and warm it up in the microwave for 30 seconds. It makes the taste come out even more and is very soft and moist.

I always have a hard time with breakfast at work since I can't toast things. But this is an ideal breakfast for a working morning.

They also have lemon and poppy seeds muffins. With Warburton's products, I always find a variety of their products at Waitrose.

If this is not a product you've tried, I highly recommend it.

Sugargrain Gluten Free Cake Slices

April 11, 2012

I'm always a bit hesitant to try products that are free of things other than gluten. I think to myself if they don't have gluten, eggs or dairy, what exactly are they using? Then I look at the ingredients and they have everything else under the sun to substitue all that is needed to make something taste somewhat decent.

I miss eating cakes at birthdays and having sweet treats I can just pick up at any grocery story. So a craving hit me and my husband and I were in search for some sweet treats at Whole Foods Market and we came across Sugargrain gluten and dairy free cake slices. They had several different flavors, like stem and ginger, sezy lemon, but carrot cake is the one that caught my eye. Carrot cake is my absolute favorite. My husband bought it and I left it in my fridge for days thinking I wouldn't like it. Gluten and dairy free. Eventually I did try it.

It was amazing! It actually tasted like cake and did not have powdery after taste. It was moist, sweet and had all the flavors of carrot cake. For a small slice, its £2.99. Not cheap, but its worth a try when you really crave some sort of cake or sweets.

I haven't tried or seen anything else from Sugargrain, but if you do, let me know!

Costa Coffee Gluten Free Brownies

March 06, 2012

Costa Coffee Gluten Free Brownie
One thing I really miss about being normal is desserts. I know I can go out and buy some cake or brownies when I want from stores, but I try to avoid it. Since it's gluten free, it will set in my cupboard and well its not ideal for me to eat all of them! But when I see people eat desserts, it hits me and I hate it.

Both Starbucks and Costa Coffee do gluten free brownies. I've tried Costa Coffee brownies and I have to say they are quite good. They are a good size too, says its satisfies your stomach as well as the craving. If you're in London and  need a sweet treat, I definitely recommend this.

Gluten Free in Thailand

February 13, 2012

This post is very overdue.

Fresh gluten free bread and muffins at Lebua State Tower
I had the trip of a lifetime this past October. My husband and I ventured out to Bangkok and Phuket. My husband had done some amazing research and booked a hotel and resorts that catered to coeliacs. It was an amazing trip in every sense and I never missed food once. It was a great feeling.

Chef's treat at Faces in Bangkok.
Our first stop was Bangkok at the Lebua State Tower. My husband had contacted the restaurant before hand and also sent them a gluten free card in Thai. When we had our first breakfast there, they had asked for our room number and before I knew it I had fresh gluten free bread and muffins waiting for me at I scoped out the rest of the buffet. If you enjoy meats, sushi, and such you will have no trouble. The breakfast buffet is something like no other. So much food!

Even when we had other meals in the hotel, they had known of my condition from before hand so I didn’t have to keep repeating myself. If you are making a trip to Bangkok I highly recommend Lebua State Tower.

One night in Bangkok we ventured out into the city for a dinner. We had been told a restaurant called Faces was suppose to be amazing. It had three different cuisines – Thai, Indian and Japanese. The restaurant is so beautiful and has so many cultures within that one environment. The manager had helped me pick out items from the menu and made sure they were gluten free. I could eat the chef’s special (which you can see the photo for). I forget the name, but you took leaves and filled them with the delicious fillings they gave. It was great and gluten free! I also ordered a delicious main dish. And I felt great after the meal.

Stir fried rice and chicken
Our next stop was Phuket. We stayed at the Indigo Pearl and they were amazing. Each meal I was catered too. I had fresh bread in the morning. They actually had free gluten free bread on their breakfast buffet line because so many people used to ask for it.

If you go to any Asian countries, I highly recommend brining gluten free soy sauce. I had so many authentic dishes because I had my own soy sauce, if I didn’t I would have not enjoyed as many Thai dishes as I did.

Gluten free cheesecake at Indigo Pearl
Also, the baker went out of his way to make one dessert I had been craving. Gluten free cheesecake!!! It was amazing!!!!! We celebrate my husband’s birthday while we were there and the cake they brought out for him was also gluten free, so we could both sure. It was so considerate.

My trip was so wonderful and filled with great food. I also brought my own snacks, so if I ever needed something to munch on, it was there!

Gluten Free Davos, Switzerland

February 01, 2012

Davos, Switzerland

I recently visited Davos, Switzerland on a business trip and learned many people are not aware of coeliac disease there. Since I was on a business trip, I was quite busy so didn’t get to go out much, but the few times I did, I was not impressed. Since I stayed in a flat, I took things into my own hands.

As I carried around my German, Italian and French gluten free cards, I struggled to find restaurants and staff that were helpful. I went out one evening and had a chicken dish with vegetables and a sauce and I still felt very sick the next day.

Gluten free bread and cheese fondue

Like I mentioned earlier, since I was on a business trip, one night we had a working dinner. I had let the event planners know about my condition and they had organized my own separate cheese fondue with cheese, gluten free bread and potatoes! That was a nice experience because I had never had a fondue. And boy do I love cheese. If you do go to Switzerland you must experience the fondue – bring your own bread to the restaurant and make it happen!

Also, visiting grocery stores near my flat, I realized there wasn’t one gluten free dedicated section like I’m used to. However, when I showed my gluten free card to
Gluten free pasta shells and tomato sauce

an employee at EuroSpar she actually went and got a long list of products that were gluten free. So she had helped me find things I could have. I had brought gluten free pasta from home, so one night I had boiled some and bought some pasta sauce! Delicious!

My last night there, my colleagues and I went to Ochsen restaurant. I showed my gluten free card to her and she’s like “O I know! I have coeliac too.” That made it a lot easier to order and she was very helpful. Since she also suffers from it, she made sure the kitchen staff was helpful. So if you enjoy steakhouses, stop by this restaurant for sure.

Overall, when eating out in Switzerland it’s quite hard to be safe from contamination and just enjoying a decent gluten free meal when you’re at a restaurant. However, if you are staying in a flat, it is a bit more manageable.
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