Domino's Gluten Free Pizza

November 26, 2012

Domino's Gluten Free Veg-A-Roma

Dominos started their gluten free range on Nov. 19 in the U.K. I was so excited! With Pizza Hut doing gluten free in their restaurants and Dominos delivering, this pizza loving coeliac was very happy!

 I had read so many reviews on blogs and twitter and most of them were very positive. So the anticipation to try was very high. So few nights ago, finally tried it. This is probably one of the best pizza bases I've tasted! It was pretty thick compared to other pizza bases you get in store. The crust was delicious, it was an actual crust! So was great. They only do the gluten free pizzas in small, but its pretty easy to finish. No after taste, no nothing.

Dominos also charges the same as its normal pizzas, so its great not to have to pay extra just because it was gluten free. If you have yet to try it, order for dinner tonight :-)

Sweet Connection - Gluten Free Bakery in Dubai

November 25, 2012

Before my husband and I embarked on our trip to Delhi & Dubai, we did a lot of research on where to find gluten free food for me.

Well, we did some good research because we found a complete gluten free bakery in Dubai called Sweet Connection. We had thought it was a proper bakery/cafe where you can pick things up. So my husband and I caught a taxi and made our way there. When we go there, we were told we had to put a order in before hand if we wanted something specific. However, the head baker, was very sweet and she said she had some things she had baked fresh and we could take it. We bought a loaf of gluten free banana bread with chocolate chips and two donuts. We had the bread ever morning for breakfast. It was truly amazing. I used to bake fresh banana bread before I was diagnosed and when I tell your this gluten free bread tasted just like it... it was amazing! You'd never, ever think it was gluten free. No after taste, great texture, not crumbly. It was so so great. Even donuts were delicious. If we were there for longer, I would have loved to try some more.

From speaking to the staff, Sweet Connection is a fairly new establishment.  The kitchen is so clean, and the amount of various flours on the shelves is truly amazing. I'm sure once people get a word of it it will become even more popular. If you are visiting Dubai, I highly recommend calling ahead of time and placing an order. I believe they even deliver, so that is great as well!

Costa Coffee Gingerbread Lattes Are Gluten Free

November 21, 2012

I had recently went to a Costa Coffee and asked the barista if their gingerbread lattes were gluten free... however, they weren't too sure. So i decided to email customer service and find out for sure. Email response is below. It is gluten free, but not sure of cross contamination. Drink at your own risk!

Thank you for your email

I can confirm that the gingerbread latte should not have any gluten in, however there may be a risk of cross contamination,

Kindest regards

Gluten Free in Dubai

November 21, 2012

Gluten Free section in Mall of Emirates' Carrefour
We recently had an amazing trip to Dubai. Gorgeous city with beautiful weather. And being gluten free wasn't that difficult either.

Dubai is the western world in the east. What do I mean? Well, when its comes to restaurants and brands, Dubai has it all. From American frozen food to British chocolate. The supermarkets are seriously to die for. They have everything! And me being American, I was so happy to see so many U.S. brands. Kind of felt like I was home. At the Mall of Emirates mega big Carrefour they even had this amazing gluten free section. With everything from biscuits to pastas I haven't been able to find in the U.K. The selection was the most impressive I've seen outside the U.S. And U.K.

Mrs. Crimbles at LuLu Hypermarket
Another big brand in the Dubai supermarkets was Mrs. Crimbles. They had all the cakes, brownies, etc. Livwell also had a big section of bread, ciabatta rolls, bagels. Everything I can find here in the U.K. Pretty impressive I must say.

Livwell at LuLu Hypermarkets

 The Mall of Emirates and Mall of Dubai are filled with American and British chains. Actually, any big global chain, you could probably find there. For example, P.F. Changs is on my favourite restaurants. When I went there and asked them about gluten free choices, they let me know which ones they could whip up for me. It was great to go into a restaurant in a foreign country and they actually know what gluten free is… Carluccios in Dubai even had the same gluten free menu you find in the U.K. Eating at big chains was easy. It felt so great to be on a trip that I could actually enjoy dining out! However, few small restaurants we went to that weren't chains, didn't really understand what gluten free is even with my card.

For a coeliac, Dubai is one amazing place to go! Top of my list. If you want any other recommendations, please do email me.
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