August 20, 2012

Vital Ingredient - Healthy Gluten Free Lunch

I try not to eat out too often as I'm always scared of feeling sick. But every once in awhile I just want to feel normal and go out to grab some lunch with friends at work. Since I can't eat at most places, I don't usually go. I just tend to be a burden to them since I can't eat at most places.

One day a dear friend of mine introduced me to Vital Ingredient. I already had a lunch so I just went to give her some company. As I walked in the the menu was plastered with GF, WF, DF and I was quite impressed. I told myself I had to come back one day…

And that one day is today! I finally made my way back there to actually get lunch. I asked the manager what salad dressings were gluten free and he said one minute and walked away. Few minutes later he came out with a binder and showed me that all the salad dressings were gluten free. It was so nice to see this binder! As most times, employees just say it is gluten free without checking or even knowing what gluten is. I looked through the binder and a majority of soup options are also gluten free.

Vital Ingredient staff were very helpful and I had a very delicious lunch. If you walk by this place in London, I highly recommend coeliacs to sit down and enjoy some food!

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