June 12, 2012

Starbucks GF Hazelnut & Chocolate Slice

Starbucks Gluten Free Hazelnut and Chocolate Slice
I have searched high and low for the Starbucks Gluten Free Hazelnut and Chocolate slice. And guess what?! I found it at a store on my birthday! How perfect. So I grabbed it for breakfast. I never eat cakes and things like that, but hey it was my birthday I'm allowed too.

I've had Starbucks gluten free brownies before, and this chocolate loaf was basically the delicious brownie with hazelnuts on top. It tasted nice and rich and hazelnut gave it a different taste as well. However, since I had this loaf for breakfast, pretty early in the morning, I was on chocolate overdose. I think this would be the ideal snack for tea time, but way to heavy and sweet for breakfast.

If you're lucky and manage to find this, definitely a nice sweet treat. Personally, too sweet for me. Won't be having it for awhile now.

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